Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My Weekend adventure

Well, it was the Belleville, IL Superauction again this last weekend. The wife said "no more cabinets", and I said "okay". (But, it was killing me.)

So, I went for the preview only. Played a ton of games. Damn, Sega's Monkeyball is fun. It went for $500. It was worth it if you're into that.

Had a lot of great pinball machines too.

Got home, and Sunday, watched the kids for a bit while the wife went out and shopped in mock retaliation. (She was just being her normal frugal self - Walmart without munchkins.) My son went down for a nap, and so I decided to fix my Konami classic to JAMMA converter.

I have a Candy Cab that was an MVS originally, and I didn't fix the audio on it properly when I rewired it. Oops. So, I had problems getting the converter I won in an auction with a Konami board to work properly. It was a real nice converter made using a JAMMAboards.com connector. Turns out, the original guy did it right, but I'd second guessed myself a few weeks ago and switched the audio +/- to be -/+.

That went okay. Soldering gun worked fine.

Wife came home, the son woke up, and I moved to the basement with both kids. They played fine, and I got some more solder time in on the Candy Cab.

I studied www.hardmvs.com's PDF of the MVS and JAMMA pinouts again, and realized that I'd never connected up a proper - in the JAMMA location. I'd just left the grounds as is.

So, I got the multimeter out and tracked down the speaker grounds as actually going to a single pin on the MVS connector. And, it wasn't the speaker -. So, I took both speaker +'s, soldered them to the 10 pin. Took the actual ground and wired it to the J pin.

After the last step, I applied my newly learned technique of wiping off my soldering iron with a sponge to keep it fresh. Only, I was using a damp rag, when I think I shorted it or something, because *POP* *POP* *POP*

Dead soldering gun. The wire itself fell out. Of course, not too suprising since it was a made in China $1 gun. Time to upgrade to a real gun.

Luckily, I'd done my last solder. Hooked up the adapter. Hooked in my Yie Ar Kung Fu board, and walla! Sound! Bingo. Of course, my new Championship Vball board I won off of eBay for $15 doesn't have working sound still. I believe the board is bad. :(

I gave my daughter the solder rag to take back upstairs to Mom. Bad mistake. She loves cleaning with wet rags. Getting them wet again, and squeezing them to drip, and then wipe up again.

She did this on the stairs, and came back down with a newly wet rag. Dripping on each step. She got down to the 4th step from the end and fell hard on her back. Scraped it up good. :( I'm sitting on the ground (only way to get into the CandyCab), busted soldering iron cooling. My son walking over, crying because his sister's screaming. Yie Ar Kung Fu blaring in the background. Wife at the top of the stairs screaming with worry. My son climbing up the steps to my wife. Steps with water keeping her from saving her son. I'm flat on my butt with a screaming 4 year old with a possibly busted back.

See what I get for working on my games for once? *sigh*

But *phew* Everyone's okay.

After the kids are in bed, I can't relax, so I go downstairs to clean up the mess of fried soldering gun and other miscellania. I boot up the mute volleyball game, and play 6 credits. Get myself to the second round. Am learning the game. Not too bad. But, man, did those guys create some quarter sucking games back in the late 80's/early 90's. Not as bad as Combatribes, but still. (Anyone want a Combatribes?) Ah well, that's what you get for games when you're paying $15 (including shipping) for JAMMA boards on eBay. :)

Time to put up some auctions.

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