Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's been a long time...

No, no... I'm not going to break into an incredible Eric B and Rakim rap.

But, here's what I've done when I've been travelling... Awesome pinball in Milwaukee and Pittsburgh....
Landmark Lanes Kinda hot by the games (no air), but where else do you get 5 perfectly shopped, high end games? Milwaukee rocks. And, I ate at Beans N Barley. Yummy.
Game n At (didn't go, but looked great) http://www.gamesnat.com/index.php - $8 for all night playing. Like a Chuck e Cheese - 9 pins, plus arcade and other games.
Smiling Moose - kind of a dive, but they got games and Karaoke, so I was happy.
Beehive Coffeehouse - Not everyone's ideal pinball place, but again, they got games and are artsy, so I was happy.

Travelling sucks, but at least there are places out there with good pinball. Here by us in Fenton, I have the broke ass Shadow at Cecil Whitakers (still got 400,000,000 on it tonight, with the upper table plunger broke, and both of the ramp lane selectors broke), the flipper sticking Johnny Pnemonia at the laundrymat, and the Cranked way to f-ing loud Tommy at the Swing A Round. Oh well, all 3 are excellent playing games, even when they aren't shopped properly. For some reason, despite their cheesy themes, all 3 are very playable. Lots of shots, and enough ruleset depth for a part-timer like me.

Notes from Setting Up PS2 HDD FHDM on Fat PlayStation 2 for FMCB

 Ugh, well, there were a million wrong turns here.  Trying to recall and document what I finally actually did to the best of my ability. Yea...